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COTC Online News  August 3, 2011

Call To Collective Action !!!

Dear Colleagues,

The message from the Heavens remains the same: Planetary Chaos, Consciousness Purification, Consciousness Evolution, Critical Change is ongoing. Conscious Collective Alignment/Prayer, Infusions Of Trinitized Of Light is Needed!

Committed Participants Needed:

12 Dedicated Active Ministers, to Hold and Behold, Collective Consciousness, Aligned within and through The Office Of The Christ, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

Requires commitment in priority of time/focus to once weekly Conference Call

One Year – 12 Month – 52 Call initial commitment – 30 minutes to 1 hour duration

Collective Prayer/Infusions – Schedule & Agenda for Weekly Conference Call to be determined through Alignments, agreement of Participants.


Take this “Call To Collective Action” into prayer. Ask our Heavenly Parent, if your commitment, dedication of heart, time, focus, through this action, as agreed in the Sacred Mandate, “dedicate of our physical embodiments… in form” best serves the Divine Plan. Ask, “Is this commitment of my God Essence Energy the Highest an Best for the Whole of Creation, does it best Serve the Divine Plan for me to participate in Collective Service over the next year?”


If you plan to participate in this Collective Service, please reply to this email ASAP, note your guidance, your choice and choosing. Share any other parts received as you prayed, meditated. Indicate, include, the best day of week and time of day, to fit your schedule, for consideration in scheduling future calls.

First Collective Conference Call: Agenda – Establish Collective GRID for next 12 Months

Sunday, August 7, 2011

8:00 am PDT; 10:00 am CDT; 11:00 am EDT & Puerto Rico

Teleconference Call-in Numbers to be provided to those who respond.

The Gateway or Portal between Heaven and Earth has been Anointed, opened more fully as the Priesthood made manifest, is issued the Clarion Call to Become Fishers of Men.

Mark 1:17 “And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men’.” The Risen Christ, Church and Women’s Apostolic Corps/Core, those dedicated to Collective Service of the Divine Plan… And this was and is our commission: ‘All power (authority) has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth.’ And this was and is our commission: ‘Go ye, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This is our service and commission.

We are being called to release “secret disciples”; we are being called to Action. Are we afraid to proclaim ourselves as part of the Order, Brotherhood and Priesthood of Melchizedek? Are we afraid of what others may think? We are being called upon to be courageous and step out and Herald, Affirm, Teach and Sanctify the Principles and Teachings of our Beloved Brother Christ Jesus.

Spirituality is not something you learn – it’s something you experience. Don’t just sit, listen or read. Live the lessons, test the Principles & Practices yourself, demonstrate to others. That’s how it comes alive – and when the real Miracles start raining down. And….it is the time for Miracles!

In Oneness Of Service
Within And Through The Office Of The Christ,

Revs. Drs. Angela Magdalene URI & James Germain URI
Ministerial Unit/TE-TA-MA