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Church Of The Creator® Associate Ministers

“COTC Associate Ministers are those choosing, commissioned and witnessed to be the Instruments to Mandate and infuse the Higher Truths to this Humanity, to bring forth into manifest state the Sacred Sciences of the Holy Spirit Shekinah – AMEN – AMEN; and in proclaiming these truths shall HERALD, AFFIRM, TEACH, and SANCTIFY in preparation and Celebration of that which is descending unto and through the Redemptive Vehicle of the Bestowal Son Jesus, the Office Of The Christ….Each one adds their part by expanding and living through the Redemptive Body of the Christ Son, and progresses daily in the bringing forth into outer manifestation the Spiritual Gifts of Shekinah, Sacred Sciences, through the Feminine Principle and Priesthood. This is the Daughter’s offering in regenesis to the Whole, through service and within the Divine Blueprint of the Father’s Plan, the Descending/Ascending Vehicle of Mankind – the Family.” [Ecclesia Magna Charta © 1984]

 Rev. Dr. Alison Louise James

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“THE MISSION”    Associate and Ordinating Minister

“I am here to be a resource for you in your Ascension process upon Mother Earth. In Oneness with the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Light and my eternal partner, Ascended Master Merlin, I bring you, Starlight expressions of Light, channeled readings, cosmic workshops, books, articles, recordings, healing sessions, sacred ceremonies and tours for personal growth, consciousness expansion, the raising of your frequency and empowerment. These Divine infusions of Universal Love, Light, Healing and Wisdom are intended for your Personal Alchemy and Inner Transformation. Together we can participate in Humanity’s Shared Mission for the Highest Good of All as we build The New Camelot, the New Golden Age of Light, based on Unconditional Love.”

Rev. Dr. Franceen Huddleston King

King Franceen H 120The Self-Awareness Institute “The Self-Awareness Institute was formed in 1983 by Rev. Dr. Franceen Huddleston King, its Director and principal, as a center for personal growth, self-exploration, and healing, offering holistic and transpersonal approaches to individual counseling, psychotherapy, group seminars and training events.

The objective of all SAI activities is to empower clients to clarify and create for themselves the life experiences they desire, free from the limitations of past beliefs, traumas, and automatic, often painful, emotional responses and behaviors which might have controlled them previously.

SAI activities start with the assumption that we are essentially spiritual, or non-physical, beings who are already magnificent and whole. “Recovery” and “healing” are perhaps more accurately “re-discovery” and “re-claiming” of our true nature; shifts in our identity and perceptions, and remembrance of our loving purpose and intentions. Every crisis or symptom is simply a call to wake up and remember.”

Rev. Ivan A. Gil, C.Ht, C.S.M.C.

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Hypnosis and Past Life Regressions  “Ivan Gil was born in Colombia and currently lives in the United States. His passion is teaching, healing and spirituality, which he combines admirably in everything he does.

Ivan Gil is a clinical hypnotherapist and stress management consultant from the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, and clinical massage therapist from Florida College of Natural Health, and he studied clinical hypnosis at University of Miami. He is also the author of several self-help books.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of Ivan Gil is his ability to tune into the higher spiritual planes and receive information relevant to the process of the person he is working with. For example, on his Chakra Balancing sessions many people have had the experience of seeing the human aura, and many also have been able to feel the touch of the angels.”

Rev. Erik Olaf Berglund

Rev Erik Berklund memorial Church Of The Creator

International Recording Artist and Healer “…is a unique recording artist who like the troubadours of yore, combines his extraordinary musical talents with the Spirit and power of God’s healing gifts. Erik sings like an angel with a refined tenor voice accompanied by the crystalline sounds of his Irish harp. He has 18 CDs available which bridge the world of angels and healing, and touch people deeply. As a sensitive healer, Erik’s life has touched thousands via concerts, workshops, retreats, sacred journeys and private healing sessions. He shares his gifts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, the South Pacific and the Middle East.

The Academy for Future Sciences, Keys Of Enoch®

The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch

“…a paraphysical text or “code-book” written in 1973. It is a text of higher consciousness experience which explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. The linkage is made through 64 areas of future science, the basis of an ongoing study that is part of a 30-year program of human development, covering a wide spectrum of independent scientific confirmations.”

Keys Of Enoch® is a registered Service Mark of James J. Hurtak. Be advised that any reference within Church Of The Creator® its online publications, COTC Seminars,™ its Associates, or in any other manner, relative  The Book of Knowledge: The Keys Of Enoch is as a reference only, for “fair use” purposes, not source indicative or in any way intended, expressly or implied, of organizational relationship with The Academy For Future Science.

Church Of The Creator® nor its Associates certify, or are certified, authorized or sanctioned to offer services as they relate to the registered service mark Keys Of Enoch® as cited above. For the book and to obtain additional teaching materials, or a list or certified sanctioned teachers, please contact the publisher and service mark owner, The Academy Of Future Science an independent unaffiliated organization and or James J. Hurtak.

SiriusDisclosure Steven Macon Greer

“Multiple Projects have come together under the heading of the Sirius Disclosure website. Our aims are undeniably lofty. We are interested in the development of a peaceful relationship with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) which has been visiting planet Earth for decades if not centuries.”

“When we speak of interacting with ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) , we are, after all, talking about reaching out to advanced conscious intelligent beings, and not the mere observation of some natural phenomenon or biological process. For this reason, careful consideration must be given to not only our view of ETI’s intentions, but more importantly, to our own intentions and attitudes.”

“Beyond the consciousness of actual researchers or those who have had close encounters is the importance of the background consciousness of humanity as a whole.  The type and quality of any further ETI-Human interactions – and therefore the specific results of any CE-5 Initiative efforts – will be in part dependent on and limited by the level of evolution in human society.  We should not be surprised if an ET civilization prefers to limit the degree of open contact with humans given the present preoccupation with militarism, conflict and violence.  As human society makes the necessary transition to world peace and cooperation, I believe we will see a concomitant increase in ETI openness and bilateral communication.  In this sense, the success of the CE-5 Initiative is directly dependent on the peace and unification of the human race.  World peace and world unity and cooperation then are the important determinants of future ETI-Human events.  The depth and quality of the CE-5 Initiative may prove to be modest, but these will increase as human society evolves towards peace and unity.”

From: “Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications” by Steven M. Greer, MD

Era of Peace Patricia Diane Cota Robles copyNew Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc.

“Patricia Diane Cota-Robles is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc., which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her Weekly On-line Radio Program, Website, Books, CDs, Tapes, DVDs, E-mail Articles and Free Seminars.

The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth.

Patricia is publisher and editor of the monthly newsletter Take Charge of Your Life, and she hosts a weekly On-line radio program with the same name. The radio show airs Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line Community for Positive Change.

Patricia’s philosophy is: Every person is precious and Divine, regardless of how far his or her behavior patterns and life experiences may be from reflecting that Truth. We are not the victims of our lives. We are the cocreators of our lives.”

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” Welcome my precious friends and family to this portal of Light. The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network is a global platform assisting in the anchoring and activating of the New Earth Templates of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness in this Golden Age of Light.The teachings this year are focused on connecting more deeply with the ascended realms, our elder brothers and sisters, who have walked the path of Love and chosen to remain on the path of the Earth Service to assist us in lifting the consciousness of all Life upon this sacred earth. We call this the Path of the Golden Rose.

Together we are co-creating our Heaven on Earth as we Love, embrace and nurture ourselves and one another ~ and this transformational journey is occurring for us all in this Now.”

Blessings in Love Anrita Melchizedek