COTC Online News February 2, 2009
911 Call – Heavens to Earth
Call to The Priesthood of Melchizedek
“Collective MessiahShip”
Beloved Colleagues,
On January 12, 2009, while in prayer, the following message was received:
“This is a Critical time on the Planet. Heavenly Hierarchies are placing a 911 call to the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Requesting those physically embodied to gather, create the collective vehicle necessary for infusions of Trinitized Trinities of Light. Align and activate, amplified, infusions to the planetary, solar and galactic systems. Nurture and support the New Earth in receivership of unfolding manifestations of the Divine Plan.”
Responding to the 911 call from the Heavens to the Priesthood of Melchizedek, the Governing Council Body of TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family of URI, Inc. in coordination with COTC National Council has aligned a series of scheduled Monthly Conferences, and you are invited to add your part to the Collective Effort.
Invited are all Pastoral Pastors and Associate Ministers of the Church on the Active Roll, Credentials in good standing.
February Conference Schedule:
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2009
Start Time: 7 pm Puerto Rico – 6 pm EST – 5 pm CST – 4 pm MST – 3 pm PST
Place: COTC Telephone Conference Room
Announce your arrival by speaking your name and location
Duration: 15 to 30 Minutes after all Ministers have arrived and been added to the roll of those attending.
Focus: “Collective MessiahShip” those commissioned to the anointing of Mankind, the Planet, in manifestation of the programs of the Office Of The Christ. Response to the 911 call from the Heavens.
Reference: Key 101:v 26,27, Key 118: v 24 The Book Of Knowledge: The Keys Of Enoch by JJ Hurtak.
Facilitator: Ministerial Unit, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
Preparation Request
Prior to joining any Conference, COTC Telephone Conference Meetings:
Set aside sufficient time to clear/close/disconnect from all other consciousness activity, energy connective with others before dial in.
Be precise on calling into the COTC Conference Room. Conference room will be opened 5 minutes before the scheduled Start time and locked at 5 minutes after start the meeting, late entry not available.
Be prepared to take notes on what is received in your part, through the Merkabah of the collective conference vehicle.
Conference to include English/Spanish Translation.
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
Start Time: 7 pm Puerto Rico – 6 pm EST – 5 pm CST – 4 pm MST – 3 pm PST
Place: COTC Telephone Conference Room
Announce your arrival by speaking your name and location
Format will be as set forth above.
Note: If you are outside the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Islands and plan to attend, please send an e-mail to COTCMOTHER or use the Contact COTC, giving an exact location, street, city, country. We will secure a telephone number and other details, if possible to facilitate your participation.
All Ministers are encouraged to attend one or both conference calls as guided in response to the guideline, request “what is highest and best for the Whole”, and act accordingly.
Additional Conferences will be scheduled during the next several months and further announcements will be made.
Praying for proactive response to the call from the Heavenly Hierarchies, your participation, addition to our collective Merkabah.
In Oneness of Service,
COTC National Council & Governing Council Body of TE-TA-MA