
Fee paid by Candidate For Ordination to the Ministerial Office, COTC Associate Minister, prior to Ordination.

Overview of the Process, to become an Ordained COTC Associate Minister:

  1. Self-Recognition – Calling to be of Service to God
  2. Add individual effort, joining within Collective Amplification
  3. Review of Published Materials, Purpose & Function of Church Of The Creator®
  4. Submit Written Application, Self-Nomination to become a Candidate for Ordination
  5. Demonstrate understanding of the Responsibility & Authority entrusted to the Ministerial Position, Office, COTC Associate Minister
  6. Witness by a COTC Ordinating Minister that the Candidate is ready through physical preparation and on a Soul level
  7. Ordination & Anointing
  8. Issue of Professional License, Credentials, Associate Minister Church Of The Creator®