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Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI

March 18, 1932  –  May 26, 2006

Founding Mother of the Church

Chronological Summary

  • 1969 Dispensation of Divine Right Order®
  • 1972 Grace House
  • 1975 Grace House Prayer Ministry, Inc.
  • 1976 TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 1982 Church Of The Creator®

Our Hearts Celebrate the Joyous Honor of living, serving daily with Beloved Grace. No words can convey the depth of how much those of us at TE-TA-MA/COTC National Office/Home will miss her being here with us. Always the Mother. Always making sure we remember who we are. Always reminding us that we are Ministers, in service to our Parent Creator. Always setting the example, Beholding our perfection, allowing and calling forth the Grace of our being.

Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI 1987 225wThe last few years have been intensely difficult for Grace. Nothing however, could prepare those close to her for the dichotomy of the last year and from April 30, the 26 days, at her side in the Rogue Valley Medical Center, Medford, Oregon. We beheld the depth of the pain she endured, moved through her heart, as she completed her pact and covenant with our Heavenly Father, her task complete.

We had the honor to behold the unmistakable Grace of her being as she transformed each and every person, with whom she came into contact, washed the souls of who they represent.

In the medical center, she reflected in the most unexpected ways what needed to be changed and provided the gateway of God’s Grace, for the exercise of compassion that melted the minds and opened the hearts of those who give care to departing souls.

Every human being has received benefit of her Ministry on our Beloved Planet Earth, Church Of The Creator®.

The Scope of what she accomplished is only fully comprehended in the Heavens. Few on this Earth could fully embrace, witness her Ministry, the vast scope of her Divine Commission, even when transmitted from within their own heart. Some of her understanding and perspective are expressed, what she with her co-founder, conceived, anchored and established within “Historical Legacy & Foundations Of The Church.”

Her Earthly Legacy are the Foundation, Principles and Practices of the Church. Space Of Grace, Parables in Prose, The Father’s Song To His Children, Sacred Mandate, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc. – Articles of Faith & Constitution, Church Of The Creator® – Ecclesia Magna Charta – Consecration, Dispensation, GRIDS of Consciousness Unification, activation of Divine Law/Intervention through the Divine Dispensation/Decree of Divine Right Order.® The foundation stones on which we build, bear witness to her Legacy. Her unending effort, demonstration by example, beholdance of others and unconditional love are the mortar that is the Mother.

Grace requested no tears of sorrow, only joy. Grace requested she be honored by our continuing to build upon the Foundation in Truth, that the Mother, Sister, Daughter, the Female aspects of the Mates of our Being be joyously restored to their rightful position, side by side, with the Father, Brother, Son – The Family.

Grace asked many years ago that support come to the Church, to continue the good works. Contributions in her memory, support in the continuance of her service may be made through the Grace Memorial Fund on line, or through general Contributions to the Church.

Additional pages in Memorial to Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI will be placed online periodically. Your contribution to that endeavor is requested. If Grace touched your heart, please, as the memory comes forward, in review, write it down. Share the details, send your testimonial, use Grace Memorial Contact Form, or an e-mail or mail to COTC and the record of your experience will be published along with photos, her parables in prose and other records of her life of Service to the Creator and each of us.

COTC National Officers and Staff are already getting reports of Grace making her presence known, now in the fullness of her Lifestream, no longer limited by the physical body, in dreams and vision. Her life is everlasting and she is already doing her part in the other planes and dimensions of her service, which are vast indeed!

Thank you for your support. Change is at hand. COTC National Staff, her Beloved partner, Rev. Dr. James Germain URI, and other Officers and Members of the various Boards and Councils of COTC and TE-TA-MA will continue, in her Honour, to be about the Creator’s Business –

Shalom – may our Beloved Grace Celebrate, with the Heavenly Hosts – Her Life – a Blessed Example, a job well done, Amazing Grace Our Beloved !

Grace Marama URI Daughter Grandaughter 225

March 18, 2007 – Memorial to Mom 

I write this on the day my mother was born March 18th. Today would have been her 75th birthday. I write this to honor her. You see I have a different story to tell. I am her flesh and blood. I have a different relationship with my mother, whom I loved more than anyone on this Earth.Grace Marama URI 1949

The ground has slipped away from under my feet, and yet, I am trying to sit in this empty space that has been left behind. Mom, it has been 10 months now since I last held your hand and felt the warmth from your body. Thankfully, the warmth and the love that has supported me, mothered me, directed and reassured me did not come from your body. I know now that it came from your soul. Because I still feel it. I can still hear it in your voice calling to me “Deborah Mary” things will be all right. And just as in life, I have to believe you Mom, because you were always right in life, more right than anyone I have ever known. I would not dare to challenge you in death.

The last discussion we had before you went into the hospital was of the good and bad times over the last 50 years. Goodness, 50 years. We shared memories. Memories of what we had been through to get to where we are now. All in all, that day we both decided that we did all right. We did all right.

Grace Marama URI Daughter200Those memories will remain private. But I want for all to know that I am so filled with love from my mother and I am so blessed to be her daughter that I am comforted at this sad time. My mother is a very spiritual person who had an unshakable faith. I know my mother is here with me and I know I will see her again. Her death was peaceful. Her death transformed my life, for I no longer fear death. She has given me many gifts but this was the most profound. For all of you that loved her, thank you for being a part of her life. She taught us about courage through her daily acts of bravery and she was a fighter to the end. My mother was a beautiful woman. She was a true lady and carried her self with grace. She was always there for me when I needed her. I shall miss her always.

Love your daughter,

Deborah Mary


  1. Photos: Top Left, Grace, Deborah, Christa – Three Generations – 1987 Canada, Timms Family Reunion
  2. Right: Grace Daphne Timms Steffen, Son Paul Gregor Steffen, Daughter Deborah Mary – 1949
  3. Bottom: Grace Celebrating with/at Deborah’s Graduation from Southern Oregon University, Lithia Park, Ashland, Oregon

Rev. Franklin Russell Warlick II

May 25, 1966 – November 27, 2017

Our Beloved Franklin was many things to many people.  From a human perspective it is difficult to convey in earthly terms, who he was or how much he did in service to the Divine Plan.

Warlick Franklin Russell II He was like many of us a Beloved Son, Father, Brother, “Grandda” within his physical family. To quote from the record, his  “Celebration Of Life” service:

“Franklin was born on May 25, 1966 in Chattanooga, Tennessee to Frank and Mary Ann Warlick. Growing up he enjoyed participating in the marching band with his older sister, Angela. He graduated from Morrow High School in 1984 and briefly attended the University of Georgia before pursuing his true passions. Franklin began working for Cox Communications in 1995 and found a home in their lT department. Franklin worked with computers his whole life including some of the earlier forms of commercial email.

His first child, Justin, was born in November 1988 and his second child, Hanna, was born in May 1996. Both children are currently pursuing their bachelor’s degrees in engineering. He enjoyed spending time with his granddaughter, Elizabeth. His family remember him as a loving and funny father who encouraged them to pursue their goals.  He was a generous individual who loved helping and left a lasting impact on others.

Franklin always loved music and instilled that value in his children. Many of his friends have suggested songs that either remind them of Franklin or songs they knew he loved.  • Truckin’ by the Grateful Dead  • Limelight by Rush  • The Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show • Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show by Neil Diamond • Turn, Turn, Turn by The Byrds”

[A close look at the lyrics of the songs others knew he loved reveals considerable about Franklin.]

From the perspective of the Ministerial Unit, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc., there are some additional discernment’s I would like to share. Franklin was a Divinely Commissioned Being, present on Earth to assist, advance the Divine Plan.

Rev. Warlick was Recognized and Witnessed on June 17, 2006, as a Pastoral Pastor, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.

“Those in one part of the Body of this organization are, in effect, Pastoral Pastors or Missionaries, in that they are considered links in a chain joining together those of like-Mind….It is through Direct Spiritual Lineage that those of Like-Vibrational Patterning are coming together as agreed before entering this Earth Plane to work in a Group Consciousness to help this Planet and Mankind. These then as Pastoral Pastors, who through Spiritual Bestowal are Designated Representatives in the Form, through their Total Personal Expression of the Principles of TE-TA-MA, are recognized by TE-TA-MA as such, in however they choose to express.”

Most of his family, colleagues at Cox Communications, social networks, deadheads, others to whom he ministered most likely had no idea. He was not only a master at keeping spam out of emails, he was a master of compartmentalizing his many venues of participation.

Franklin James Angela Mt.Shasta BigSprings 2008Within my responsibilities as Electronic Publications Coordinator, Franklin was our Senior IT Support. In a very complex world wide web he helped to create, Franklin, on behalf of the Foundation/Church knocked on the doors of,, other internet giants controlling the gateways that were blocking good works. Franklin got their attention, stood up for what was right and they removed the blockage, opened the gates for higher octaves of expression, Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Like all of us “Human Beings” – similar to the DNA encoding, the Vibrational Frequencies of the names we choose hold clues to who we are, our essence, what we chose to overcome before entering this mortal world of duality.

Warlick – “English : perhaps an altered form of Warlock, an English surname of uncertain origin; it is more likely to be from Old Norse varðlokkur ‘incantations’ than from Old English wǣrloga ‘traitor’, ‘devil’.” That is a tough one and relates to the consciousness, mis-conceptions about the part played, LifeStream of/by Judas Iscariot.

Franklin – “free-man, a holder of fairly extensive areas of land, a gentleman ranked above the main body of minor freeholders but below a knight or a member of the nobility.”

Russell – “Used 735 times in the bible is the foundation of God’s word. It is a number of completeness and perfection. It signifies collective consciousness, completion faith and spirituality, Mysticism, wisdom, peace, endurance.  Usually, they are involved in charities and humanitarian foundations; helping the needy. They are efficient, responsible and committed to their work and expect others to react the same.”

Franklin was not afraid to step up to the plate when asked for help. The clues within his name, my own experience were further confirmed through personal testimony, at his “Celebration Of Life” service. It was both a joy and lifted my heart to hear his “big sister” my wife, female aspect of the Ministerial Unit, share her perspectives, stories, wisdom, to all who gathered.

In one place were his physical family, long time peers, peers of his children, people he befriended under mysterious circumstances,  the host “MC” other attendees of many “Rocky Horror Picture Show” events he attended, singing and dancing “Lets do the time warp again.”  Not everyone understood the deeper meaning of the movie, beyond the fun and outrageous characters. “Don’t Dream It, Be It!” or to quote someone looking deeper into the meaning, “Rocky Horror is best understood as a tragedy, and its message is “be kind to your fellow man, or your downfall will be certain and spectacular.” …”As tempting as it is to focus on the outlandish sexual escapades in the show, I actually think they are secondary to the main message, which is the old Golden Rule”. – Adam Nyhan.  Franklin understood, participated in Life!

“Who are these People? – those choosing to Celebrate His Life – December 2, 2017 – Planet Earth, Morrow, GA, a lot like like the galactic bar in the first Star Wars movie, some very interesting characters.

Franklin’s cover was blown as individuals from a universes mostly unknown to the others in the room shared their story of how special Franklin was to them and why. In almost every instance, he had on some occasion, listened, let someone know they were perfect just as they are,  “its OK to be different.”  Franklin Beheld their Perfection, loved them unconditionally without judgment, and tears flowed as they delivered their testimony to his ministry, those principles that touched them so deeply, profoundly, in their words, “changed my Life.”  For those who did not already know, he was also a keeper of the records, mementos, that he cherished. In one shared testimony, he produced 30 year old jelly bean, “who does that?”  – evidence, that he did not forget, and could prove it when necessary.

Franklin did not choose an easy life walk. He was often judged, seen for other than who he was. He suffered from betrayal and heartbreak. Franklin was super-sensitive, compassionate and transmuted a lot of pain, mis-creation by others, and it took it’s toll on his physical body.

URI Wedding Warlick Family 20080908 CraterLakeOR copyIn 2008 we were blessed by her Mom, Dad, Brother Franklin, Aunt, Uncle,  who all stood with us on the rim of Crater Lake as we anchored our Spiritual Commission within man’s law through marriage.

Since 2015 we have made multiple trips back and forth across the USA. Through following guidance received, we remain one step ahead of what is going to be needed. Franklin’s transition was no exception. It was our honor to cook and serve a Thanksgiving Meal to him, his family and others in Atlanta, November 23, 2017.  Without planning from the earth be front and center in support of Franklin’s departure for Home.

“God works in Mysterious Ways” and Rev. Franklin Russell Warlick II, was one of the means, entering realms where many fear to venture, often unseen, but gathering the harvest, loving those who did not ask but needed it the most… Pastoral Pastor.

We miss him.

Rev. Dr. James Germain URI, his Brother-In-Law

Rev. Dr. James Germain Davyd John URI

November 7, 1943 to June 29, 2021

Co-Founder of TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family of URI, Inc. and Church Of
The Creator(r)

Chronological Summary

  • 1976 Established TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 1976 Board of Directors TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 1977 Sacred Mandate Anchored
  • 1977 Ordained as Pastoral Pastor – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 1977 Governing Council Body – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 1982 Anchored Church Of The Creator(r)
  • 1983 Doctorate of Cosmocracy
  • 1986 COTC National Council President, Treasurer, Member
  • 1999 Electronic Publishing Chairperson

Our Hearts Celebrate the Joyous Honor of living, serving daily with Beloved Brother James. No words can convey the depth of how much James is loved and how much he will be missed. Always the Father, Brother, Mentor. Always in support to the Feminine Apostolic Corps, the Feminine in equal commission and position at the Table of our Holy Parent.  Always making sure we remember who we are, and who we represent. Always reminding us that we are Ministers, in service to our Parent Creator. Always setting the example, Beholding our perfection, allowing and calling forth our Sacred Covenant and Pact with our Holy Parent Creator Source.The past year has been especially a difficult walk for James, always Ministering to everyone with whom he was in contact within the medical field as he walked through Stage IV Kidney Cancer, consciously making it count for who he is and who he represents.  Each day hopeful, knowing that at any moment a miracle of Regenesis and Regeneration could instantly heal the body malady.  Spiritually, the kidney cancer represents fear, while physically it purifies the blood.  He was aware within the last month, that the Highest and Best for the Whole was to drink the whole cup…and he did, transmuting fear, Beholding as the cancer moved through his body.   His life has been filled with Trials and Tribulations; he was like a jack hammer moving through encrusted consciousness which needed the Redemptive Infusion of God’s Higher Truths, in support to this planet, mankind and the rightful place of the feminine expression at the Table.  He was beheld in the depth of the pain he endured, moved through his body, as he completed his Pact and Covenant with our Heavenly Father, his task complete.  His last words for us were, “I love you.  Keep the Promise.” We all had the honor to behold the unmistakable wisdom, strength and understanding of his Being as he transformed each and every person with whom he came into contact, always Beholding and upholding each and every one in their perfection. The COTC LogIn system has an area to list services, James wrote and lived by “Whatever is needed in Service to Divine Will, The Divine Plan, that brings the Highest and Greatest Good, for the Whole of Creation.”

Born in Nashville, Tennessee.  Bachelor of Science, Engineering, University of Florida, 1965. Business entrepreneur until 1974, when called to Spiritual Commission, conscious service within the Divine Plan. September 1976 joinedwith Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI, Principal Founder, TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc. and Church Of The Creator(r).   Intermediary Translator, publisher, with Grace Marama URI, of Foundational Documents, Tenets of the Church, “GRIDS of Consciousness Unification.”  Facilitator COTC Seminars(r) since 1982. Doctor Of Cosmocracy, April 1983. Witness to passing of Spiritual Mantel from Grace Marama URI to Angela Magdalene URI during Spiritual Commissioned Trinity Service, from September of 2003 until Grace’s transition from the Body in May of 2006. Marriage to Angela Magdalene URI September 8, 2008, continuous service within position of Ministerial Unit/TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc. Every human being has received benefit of his Ministry on our Beloved Planet Earth, Church Of The Creator(r). The Scope of what James along with Grace Marama URI accomplished is only fully comprehended in the Heavens. Few on this Earth could fully embrace, witness their Ministry, the vast scope of their Divine Commission, even when transmitted from within their own heart. Some of this understanding and perspective are expressed, conceived, anchored and established within “Historical Legacy & Foundations Of The Church
Their Earthly Legacy are the Foundation, Principles and Practices of the Church. Space Of Grace, Parables in Prose, The Father’s Song To His Children, Sacred Mandate , TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc. – Articles of Faith & Constitution, Church Of The Creator(r) – Ecclesia Magna Charta Consecration, Dispensation, GRIDS of Consciousness Unification, activation of Divine Law/Intervention through the Divine Dispensation/Decree of Divine Right Order.(r) The foundation stones on which we build, bear witness to their Legacy. Their unending effort, demonstration by example, Beholdance of others and unconditional love are the mortar in the foundation stone of our Beloved Church Of The Creator.(r) James along with Grace requested no tears of sorrow, only joy. They requested they be honored by our continuing to build upon the Foundation inTruth, that the Mother, Sister, Daughter, the Female aspects of the Mates of our Being be joyously restored to their rightful position, side by side, with the Father, Brother, Son – The Family. James and Grace asked many years ago that support come to the Church, to continue the good works. Contributions in their memory, support in the continuance of their service may be made through the Grace Memorial Fund on line, or through general Contributions to the Church.

Additional pages in Memorial to Rev. Dr. James Germain URI will be placed online periodically. Your contribution to that endeavor is requested. If James and/or Grace touched your heart, please, as the memory comes forward, in review, write it down. Share the details, send your testimonial, use Contact Form, or an e-mail and the record of your experience will be published along with photos, her parables in prose and other records of her life of Service to the Creator and each of us.

COTC National Officers and Staff are already getting reports of James making his presence known, now in the fullness of his Lifestream, no longer limited by the physical body, in dreams and vision. His life is everlasting and he is already doing his part in the other planes and dimensions of his service, which are vast indeed! Thank you for your support. Change is at hand. COTC National Staff, his Beloved partner, Rev. Dr. Angela Magdalene URI, and other Officers and Members of the various Boards and Councils of COTC and TE-TA-MA will continue, in his Honor, to be about the Creator’s Business – Shalom – may our Beloved James Celebrate with the Heavenly Hosts – His Life, His Mission – a Blessed Example, a job well done, Beloved Brother Blue Star!

Transition of our Beloved Sister – Rev. Dr. D’Angelica Miriam URI – April 10, 2024July 14, 1931 to April 10, 2024

Lifestream Representative of TE-TA-MA
Truth Foundation – Family of URI, Inc. and Lifetime Supporter Church Of The Creator

Summary of Service:

Grace House <> Established in 1969 by, Grace Christna Ruth (Rev. Dr. Grace Marama Christna Ruth URI) as a personal Ministry, Rev. Dr. D’Angelica Miriam URI was at her side for many of those early years.  Legally anchored in California, Chartered, “Grace House Prayer Ministry Inc.” on July 14, 1975 transitioning from an individual ministry to a Collective Vehicle, California nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. In 1976 the corporation was renamed TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family Of URI, Inc.

  • 07-11-1977 Governing Council Body – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation –
    Family Of URI, Inc.
  •  10-22-1977 Ordained as Pastoral Pastor – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation –
    Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 11-07-1977 Board of Directors – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family
    Of URI, Inc.
  •  08-22-1978 President – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI,
  • 10-12-1986 Ordained Associate Minister – Church Of The Creator(r)
  • 10-04-1990 Witnessed Ordinating Minister – Church Of The Creator(r)
  • 08-26-1995 COTC National Council Member
  • 01-16-1999 Secretary – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI,
  • 09-09-2001 Doctorate of Cosmocracy – TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation –
    Family Of URI, Inc.
  • 08-04-2006 Ministerial Events Committee – Church Of The Creator(r)

Our Hearts Celebrate the Life and Living of our Beloved Sister in Christ –
D’Angelica Miriam URI. No words can convey the depth of how much D’Angelica
is loved and how much she will be missed. Always in Service to the Whole of
Humanity, Highest and Best for the Whole.  D’Angelica held a Foundational
position within the Vibrational GRID matrix of TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation –
Family of URI in understanding the Transformative, Transfigurative vibration
of the Trinitized Trinities of Light from Heaven to Earth, serving in a
Trinity with Revs. Drs. Grace Marama URI and James Germain URI.  Within her
Lifestream, Representing, Holding a place at the table as part of the
Functioning Body of The Church
, Feminine Apostolic Corps, the Feminine in equal commission and position at
the Table of our Holy Parent.

Rev. Dr. D’Angelica held many Foundational Positions within the Whole,
including President of TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family Of URI, Inc. for
27 years. (Of note, TE-TA-MA incorporation date on her natal birth date.)
She was in support to Grace Marama URI while Grace was bringing from Heaven
to Earth the descending/ascending coordinates of the Divine Plan.  She
anchored, was part of and witnessed, the Original Family of Ten (See Keys of
Enoch Key 115:40-41 by J.J. Hurtak).  She held a foundational position
within the prototype Melchizedek Community of Light, Ship Terra (See Keys of
Enoch, Glossary p.588 by J.J. Hurtak).
Born in Janesville, Wisconsin she grew up on a working farm during the Great
Depression.  She accrued many skills that translated to supporting her
physical family, her Spiritual Family of 10, the Melchizedek Community of
Light, the Family of URI.  One of five children she married and relocated to
Saratoga, California.  She is survived by three daughters, all of whom live
on the West Coast.  Additionally, D’Angelica opened her home in Saratoga, CA
to Drs. James and Deseree Hurtak and the first cassette taped audio
recordings of the Keys of Enoch were recorded in her home, with her always
present, at the request of Dr. J.J. Hurtak.
Humanity received benefit of her Ministry on our Beloved Planet Earth,
Church Of The Creator(r), often called “A Angel in Form.”
Having lived and worked Collectively Within and through the Office of The
Christ 24/7, it was a difficult transition for her to move out of the House,
Home and Office location to living and serving Collectively from a singular
positioning.  She moved to Ashland, Oregon living in the Rose Room of a home
during the timing as Rev. Dr. Grace Marama URI made her transition to her
Heavenly Home.  Always Beholding the Divine Plan unfolding, she knew her
part in support to the Whole, even it was not what she wanted personally.
She retired from full time active Ministry within the Church, but always
claimed her Pastoral Pastorship
in Service to Humanity 24/7.  She lived in a state funded Senior Community,
Ordained Associate Ministers there, held Bible Studies and brining Infusion
of Trinitized Trinities of Light, for who she is and who she Represented,
knowing who she was as a Creator Daughter
<> ,
bringing change for the Whole.  As her physical health declined, she became
a resident at Skylark Senior Community in Ashland, Oregon, where she made
her final transition Home.  D’Angelica knew these parts would be difficult
having lived in the warmth of a conscious Collective Family daily, but she
embraced this knowing she could and would transform the Whole, for who she
is and who she represents.
The Scope of what D’Angelica, along with Grace Marama URI and James Germain
URI accomplished is only fully comprehended in the Heavens. Few on this
Earth could fully embrace, witness their Collective Ministry, the vast scope
of their Divine Commission, even when transmitted from within their own
hearts. Some of this understanding and perspective are expressed, conceived,
anchored and established within “Historical Legacy & Foundations Of The
Church <> .”
Thank you for your support. Change is at hand. COTC National Staff, and
Officers and Members of the various Boards and Councils of TE-TA-MA and COTC
will continue to be about “The Family Unification of Mankind In All Aspects
of the Whole” – Cosmic Christ Consciousness
<> !
Shalom – may our Beloved D’Angelica Celebrate with the Heavenly Hosts – Her
Life, Her Mission – a Blessed Example,
a job well done, Beloved Mother, Sister and Daughter!

Tribute to D’Angelica Miriam URI 04/14/2024

Dear Church Family & Associates,

A few days ago, our Beloved Rev. Dr. D’Angelica Miriam URI made her
transition from this earth plane and completed her arc of living here among
us. I am guided to share a few of my own direct experiences, in recognition
of her service and in hopes to encourage anyone who would consider and be
guided to attend her celebration of life to please do so.

I first met D’Angelica in person in 1978. I had first met Grace in 1976 in
Florida, when she was making an “around the US” travel tour with James (who
is/was my biological uncle as well as cosmic associate in Divine Service)
and three other gifted women healers, as Grace performed the “alignments”
for various soul group representatives and distributing several hundred of
the “Introduction to the Keys of Enoch” from the Customized White Ford Van,
named “The Dove”. I was just a teenager but already on a conscious path,
practicing Yoga & Meditation, etc. I knew of D’Angelica then and her
association with Grace but it was not until two years later that I would be
traveling through the Oregon that Grace and James gave me her number and
suggestion to contact D’Angelica as I traveled south through California. I
did so and we met for a healthy dinner. D’Angelica was already well-versed
with practicing Polarity Therapy, learning directly from Pierre Pannetier,
who was the understudy and assistant to Dr. Randolph Stone, the founder of
Polarity Therapy. She was also working with Bach Flower Remedies and other
healing modalities.

Later that year was the second around the US tour, for more Alignment work
and to distribute the newly published book “Space of Grace” and D’Angelica
was traveling with The Ministerial Unit in a Trinity configuration. The
first leg of the travel was though Southern California where I was living
and all of our young peer group gathered for Sharing, fellowship and energy
work. By the next year 1979 the Constitution of TE-MA-MA had been published
and there were plans to establish a working Community of Light, a Healing
Retreat Center in Oregon. This resonated with me and as such I ventured
north and lived at D’Angelica’s residence, dedicated for service, and named
“The House of URI”. This 6-month stay was in preparation and gathering of
the first 10 people who would participate in establishing the Oregon
Community. For those aware of “The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch” it
is worth noting that the Author, Dr. James Hurtak and his wife Desire lived
nearby, within walking distance and his 28 set of cassettes, full
interpretations of the Keys, was recorded in the Living Room of D’Angelica’s
residence and there were regular visits and prayer sessions among those
working with the Keys and those in TE-TA-MA. The next step was the move to
Oregon and part of the mission was witnessed to be the first “Family of Ten”
as referenced in the Keys.

These experiences were the beginnings of a near 50-year association with
D’Angelica and being a witness to her service in Trinity with Grace & James
and her close family later with James & Angela. Also, in living in
Community, her many years as President of TETAMA, and so many other
positions held and work accomplished. In the early years of work, when there
were few representatives “in the body” who were consciously serving to help
clear, cleanse and work for Divine Justice and be part of the planetary
transmutations that come with this work, the dedication and sheer tenacity
to manage these energies was not for the faint of heart and D’Angelica was a
pillar of helping hold these parts as those phases of the Divine Plan and
along with this as Church growth occurred.

If there is anyone who deserved and has earned whatever recognition we can
collectively give and celebrate it would be that of D’Angelica, a true
embodiment of the reference term: “LIGHT WORKER” ……and representative of
the Divine Sisterhood of Mary and the Order of The Mother.

In Oneness of Service,
Rev. Dr. Gabriel Nathanael, Carlsbad, CA
URI Family

Aligning to the Whole
the Actualization of the Many in the One
by Rev. D’Angelica and Shiloh URI, Light Streams – Family of URI Journal
February 18, 1982

Much revelation is presently occurring in our world today, and there are
many predictions of a timing soon in which knowledge and records of the past
shall be discovered and re-known-ed.  This knowledge will be revelatory in
the reality of the scientific aspects of the nature of consciousness, as
well as the Spiritual.  Man will come to know perfectly well who he is, and
will utilize refined consciousness energy to heal his mind and body…to
educate himself into Cosmic Citizenship…and to join with all humanity in
the bringing forth a Perfect Living Temple dedicated to our Creator…this
planet, Earth.

Central to this consciousness, is the understanding (that which stand under)
of the reality of the “En Kai Pan” (Greek), the “One and All” of the “Many
and One,” the mystery of the macrocosm and the microcosm – each with the
capacity to fully contain the other…the part in the Whole and the Whole in
the part.

The Human Being is a microcosm of all that was, is now, and ever will be
created.  We as “Sons and Daughters of God,” as “Children of Light,” quite
literally contain every-thing within us, and we are every-thing.  That is
the nature of Divine Consciousness; “…I AM in the Father, and the Father
in me;” John 14:11.

As we move into, and through the tremendous energy changes taking place in
the planetary mass consciousness now, the reality of the representation of
the Many in One in the human vehicle, can be expressed…can be actualized
in service to the Father, by Aligning
<>  your
consciousness to always moving in expression from the highest aspect of your
Being, and what is Highest and Best for the Whole of Creation.

When you do this in concentration, and Consecration all the time, while ever
present in the now, you are consciously embracing and becoming; the Many in
One.  Whatever you are “doing” at any given moment, in whatever circumstance
you are in, your conscious Alignment to Divine Service will bring you in
touch with…connect you into…any and all things that have ever been
thought by any-one, about that which you are “doing” in that given moment.
This relates directly to Holy Service in the Light that you will have a
“golden” Christed opportunity to manifest whatever you are “doing” for the
Whole, in the highest aspect of your Being.  Therefore, creating in thought
and action the energy/pathway (example) for all others.  You will also find
in this Light, that your Alignment to think and act only in the Highest
aspects, will bring you in touch will all seed thought forms that would
prevent you from creating perfectly, i.e. the miscreation in thought and
action around what you are “doing” at any given time.  You will then realize
the Truth of CLEARING the thought planes (where everything is created first)
of miscreated thought forms, through your release of “individual” thought

Let us demonstrate.
Visualize that you are cleaning your house, and see within that
visualization that you are doing this cleaning because it is what you are
shown to do, that it is what the Father would have you do?  You know this,
because you have just asked Him on the inner; “What is the Highest and Best
action I can take right now, while Aligning to the Whole…and in that I am
complete with that which I was doing before?”  This is the Way it moves down
here, in a constant flow of creating and manifesting that which you are
shown by Guidance, from the Father, to do.  As you are cleaning your house,
Aligned to the Many, you are in fact every-one, cleaning their houses.  This
is made so, by the fact that you declare and decree it to be so – and since
you are Sons and Daughters of the Most-High God, endowed with the creative
Power and Spirit – it becomes so.

Let us continue.
Visualize yourself washing the coffee table in the living room, and you have
come across a rather strong stain on the glass, and it won’t come off.  You
are thoroughly rubbing and scrubbing, and it isn’t clearing.  You rub a
little harder, a little faster, and you are starting to get perplexed.  You
go on scrubbing with a little more force while moving faster now, feeling
some irritations come in, the breath quickening…now wait a
minute…remember who you are, just what plane of consciousness are you
working from?  Real-ize that in the consciousness memory membrane of all
human-kind, you are in your being touched-in to much more than the physical
plane.  The physical is simply a plane of symbology.  The manifestations of
matter represent the energies of creation on the inner levels.  Scrubbing
that coffee table, you will be connected with all that surrounds you there,
and all that you contain within you, in relationship to it.  You will be
“working” in the consciousness with “stains,” with “cleaning and clearing
away,” and all that “living room” symbolizes.  And on an emotional-mental
level…frustration, anxiety and questioning.  And on a symbolic level, ALL

Back to rubbing and scrubbing.  This is the moment.  That place in “time and
space” where the Alignment to the Whole ACTUALIZES (on all Planes and
Dimensions).  In prayer-full recognition and loving release, you simply hand
it all up to the Father, Beholding Divine Right Order(r)
in all thoughts – all things.  You let go of all things, anywhere in your
being, which would impel you to perform that act of cleaning the stained
glass in any way less than peaceful and concentrated, conscious and
Consecrated, in loving communion with the Father’s Perfect Presence within
you, and all that THAT REPRESENTS.

You may get up and get some better cleaner, or a tighter weave cloth or you
may even release the whole thing for a moment and come back to it.  Whatever
you do (as you are shown or guided in asking) in this attitude of loving
Release <>  and
through the Alignment to moving only in the Highest aspect for the
Whole…in the end you will have removed the stain, and therefore have
removed all it symbolized and represents, from the thought planes.  You will
have stabilized and cleansed the emotional and mental bodies, and raised the
vibration of all “living room.”  This is the way it works.  Whatever is
manifest is a symbol of the seed-thought that is initiated its creation.
Moving in this manner will free the bonds of imperfect energy, and liberate
the consciousness of mankind.  Again, you are the Many in One because you
have Aligned to that – and most importantly, because you have the Truth and
Power of Love, in that the Father is behind you in your movement…as He was
the one that guided you to do the “cleaning” in the first place.  It is in
reality His Work.  “There is another that bears witness of me; and I know
that the witness which he witnesses of me is true.”  John 5:32

Remember, it is a conscious thing.  In each and every-thing you do each day.
First ask the Father what He would have you do at that time, and Align in
your being to the results being Highest and Best for the Whole.  There is no
highest and best for you alone…there is no personal in the Redemptive Body
the Cosmic Christ Consciousness
<> .

In this Light, you are creating, and manifesting the Brotherhood of Man, and
the Family Unification of Mankind.  Even by “yourself alone,” you are always
connected in with the Whole, in Light Consciousness which is the beginning
and the end.

In Blessing,
Shiloh and D’Angelica