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Human Software for Being®

We exist within a Divine multi-dimensional Weave and Tapestry.

When we don the Christ Consciousness Garment of Light, the reality of The Divine Tapestry of Life becomes Alive. It enables us to connect the dots, symbols in our duality, linear life and living on Planet Earth. However, the more of us who consciously choose to come together Collectively, creating a Merkabah of Light, with the eyes to see and ears to hear, then the Spiritual Relativity of 5th Dimensional living becomes Spiritual Reality.

“A joining through Soul Level agreement of those personalities who have released the individual I AM growth pattern, into the COLLECTIVE I of GROUP UNITY; Living in the Group Aspect of the Christ Body; going beyond personal-soul expansion and joining in GROUP to create a synergism of combined spiritual evolution within and through the OFFICE OF THE CHRIST.” Cosmic Christ Consciousness

The Choice is ours. The Spiritual Commission is ours. For this will be the time of Melchizedek and it will be the time of the bowing of our heads in reverence to the living Order of Light whose name is Melchizedek forever!

  • The Tool of Divine Right Order® — Redemptive Infusion of God’s Higher Truth
  • Create the Rainbow Bridge – Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth
  • The Lord’s Prayer — Divine Language to commune with Heavenly Hierarchy
  • Donning the Garments of Light — Activating the Five Bodies of Light
  • Build the Coat of Many Colors – 72 Divine Names of God

5 Bodies of Light – The Energy Vehicles of Incarnation

The Five Bodies of Light© 1996 by J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. with Desiree Hurtak

The Academy For Future Science

Basic to the work of understanding the form and function of myriad hierarchies is the recognition of the Five Bodies, the spiritual vehicles of human-divine experience.  Mystical Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism, and the Buddhist Tantrism in particular, depicted an elaborate system of recognizing other vehicles of divinity.

In Buddhist scriptures, these Five Bodies were to be used for:  developing a greater relationship to the Divine Law; liberation of the physical body and the soul body; and the transcendent nature that quickens the power of prayer and meditation, to aid in enlightenment and the raising of the consciousness of humanity.

There are “five bodies of illumination” connected to our physical body which are the keys to the mechanistic adaptation of the light fields that are necessary for the seeding process of Divine Chokmah (“wisdom”) into the physical world.

When man progresses in his spiritual education, during a meditative state, his electromagnetic body can be taken into other physical and consciousness worlds of Light. There he can receive education beyond his physical world of reference which enables him to synthesize multidimensional reality. He also gains a working knowledge of how his five vehicles of energy can prepare him for the actual wearing of the “Christ Body.”

In order for Man to truly use Spiritual Discernment – Spiritual Wisdom balanced with Spiritual Understanding, he must have all five bodies active so that they can work directly with the divine template, and the Councils of the Elohim on the higher levels of reality. It is through this collective that teaching is given and received. This mastery is based upon Man’s ability to work simultaneously with information from many worlds of the lower heavens. He must master this stage before he can truly understand soul progression.

Exercise of the intellect, feeling, and will can make a philosopher by not a mystic.  Super-sensory experience is needed here and is available to everyone with a pure heart, irrespective of time or space.  When ready, we can become part of the Divine Living Presence, and remain in realms of Knowing through the All-existing Light environment.

“The five bodies are: the Electromagnetic body, the Epi-kinetic body, the Eka body of many relativities, the inner body of Gematria, and the outer body of many Zohar. Unifying these 5 bodies allows us to go beyond its present soul program.”

  1. Electromagnetic Body (“Binder to Earth”)Is a vehicle body that codes your physical body directly into other consciousness regions of the local universe through the whole array or family of electromagnetic waves. The E-M vehicle must work with its “Christ Overself Body” or a Master of Light if it is to work with the many electromagnetic spectrums. One must first illuminate the E-M vehicle with Light before one can cross the threshold of negative mass.

*Sommer-wuf-Sommer Paradigms of the infamous 666 as a force of limitation and force limiting ‘freedom of the spirit.’ The permutations of ‘fallen mind energy’ or negation which controls the realities of spiritual evolution in the lower creation. With prayer, the Gematria of 9-9-9 reverses 6-6-6. (Rev. 13:18).

KEY 305:  42-51 (The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak)

42 Metatron also explained to me that the salutation “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth!” should be used to discern the spiritual from the negative heavenly forces. The salutation sets in motion a resonance pattern with the Throne of the Father which the “negative forces” cannot use when greeted with this salutation. In fact, this salutation is so strong that the “negative forces” cannot remain for any length of time in the presence of its vibration.

46 Along with this communication device of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tesbayoth, used for salutations with the Brotherhood, I was given instruction to use the specific Light and sound harmonics of 6-6-6, 9-9-9, 12-12-12.  These numerical sequences are to be used by means of a pyramidal focus created by the hands over the third eye which amplifies this sacred greeting for the sending and receiving of spiritual instruction. 47 The pattern of 6-6-6* is used to, identify you with respect to the Earth’s vibration. The pattern of 9-9-9 indicates that you have picked up a Merkabah vibration and that you are receptive to whatever instruction is at hand. And the pattern of 12-12-12 is the vibration of consciousness transportation.  48 When you understand the Holy Mantra, the code structure of Love and Light focused between the third-eye – the seed crystal, you will see that the very message allows you to raise your seed crystal to the Councils of Light in the Heavens of Orion.  49 Beloved in the Name of the Father: Our protector is Michael; our host the Elohim. Meditation is our food; joy and interpenetration with the host our radiant nectar! The Masters of Light allow your biochemical fields to be attuned to the thought-forms of the Brotherhoods of Light so that they will be with you as one family! 50 Let us sing the ketav einiyam, the “eye writings” of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel so as to open the eyes of all mankind to the symphony of Light! Let the fire letters dawn upon our eyes as we sing the ineffable chords of worship to the All-Pure-Light of the Father’s Ain Soph. The sound powers have correspondences in all the spheres of manifestation. Come! Be crowned with the eternal flame of YHWH upon the was given instruction to use the specific light and sound harmonics of 6-6-6, 9-9-9, 12-12-12. These head! Come!

  1. Epi-Kinetic Body (“Body of Kinetic Motion”) Is the biological plasma used by the energy-vibratory vehicle for projection and teleportation within a singular dimension. The Epi-Kinetic Body is the consciousness-vibratory vehicle which can pass through the common kinetic paradigms of velocity and mass. Great energies of vibratory protection, inspiration, and the balancing of the creative consciousness levels with the unconscious and subconscious levels can take place through this vehicle of vibratory synthesis.

The five Sacred Languages which work to attune the Electromagnetic body and the Epi-kinetic body so that they may join with the greater bodies and levels of consciousness are:  Egyptian – Hebrew – Sanskrit – Tibetan – Chinese.  These languages will open channels of the crystalline vibration within you so that your body can work directly with the Higher Intelligence through telethought communication.  These crystalline channels can be seen as three jewel-crystals forming a pyramid (or pyramidal projection).  These three crystals in your third eye area allow resonance attunement to flow between the third eye and a spiritual template over your crown chakra which is necessary to project and receive the higher thought vibrations of Light.  Thus, the three pyramidal coordinates of crystal “emanating out” connect with the five spiritual languages “flowing into you” to form the vibratory field that activates the 8th chakra.  (Key 110:44-47)

KEY 106: 38 This sixth key, then, shows how the higher lights can modulate the physical universe which is controlled by the force fields of ‘666’ so that the pure thoughts of the Masters working with the ‘777’ principal stars in the cluster of the Pleiades have the power to materialize a new heavens and a new Earth, so that the former things will not be called to mind.  39 At that time, the liberated body of Gematria will go beyond the ‘777’ combination connecting the lower biological creation to become one with the Jesus Gematria of ‘888.’ This liberated body, thus ascends into the higher Infinite throne worlds of the Father’s Many Mansions which are liberated to reign with the Christ.

KEY 118:22 We are now witnessing the coming together of scientific evolution and consciousness as both unite into the Consciousness of the “Living Light” – the energy used by the Infinite Mind, the Infinite Creation, and the Infinite Specie. The Living Light will be understood in the code: I AM THAT I AM – Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – as the “consciousness of light” of one star creation is attached to the “I AM” consciousness of “The Higher Evolution,” forming the I AM THAT I AM. 23 For behold, the field is white and ready for harvest and when you give your life to the harvesting on this planetary station, a greater ionization becomes your body, and your new body of Light is connected with the galactic thresholds of the House of Many Mansions which is the deliverance of all manner of flesh.

Sound 8 Times:  Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

  1. Eka Body (“Connects Lower Consciousness to Higher Consciousness”) is one of the five bodies can work directly with the template of the many worlds. This is the Eka Body “of consciousness” which enables you to leave behind the 3rd dimensional consciousness time frame and experience other time zones to see and work with the Masters of Light who protect and educate the eka body through an activated Light network.

In the education of the soul, the conscious activation of the many eka vehicles demonstrates to man how there is a multidimensional relationship between body vehicles that can be also interpenetrated by the multidimensional body vehicles of the Masters of Light.

Merkabah Divine light vehicle used by the Masters to probe and reach the faithful in the many dimensions of the Divine Mind. The Merkabah can take on many forms of a brilliant briolette in the physical worlds. (Ezek. 1:4-28; 2 Ki.2:11); (See Key 301).

The sound vibration of “great rushings” in this experience.  The sound vibration brings forth a special blessing, for with in it is the power of the Divine Spirit – Ruach Ha Koidesh that whispers as well as proclaims the praising of the “glory of YHWH” – which is one of the most Sacred Names of God.  This make the difference between the Electromagnetic, Epi-kinetic, and the Eka Body:  The higher vibration of the Divine Name is heard and proclaimed by the higher experience.

Sound 8 Times: Ruach Ha Koidesh

Metatron, Master Ophanim Enoch, is re-coding the consciousness state of a human being from continual states of flux to states of equilibrium, by energizing magneto-gravitational fields around your body, to changing your molecular structure and reconstituting your body to another wavelength of Light.

When man progresses in his spiritual education, during a meditative state, his electromagnetic body can be taken into other physical and consciousness worlds of Light. There he can receive education beyond his physical world of reference which enables him to synthesize multidimensional reality. He also gains a working knowledge of how his five vehicles of energy can prepare him for the actual wearing of the “Christ Body.”

However, the existence of pulsating light geometries within the consciousness of man shows that he is already part of a Divine circuit of information which flows from light body to Light body. We need only work to activate, strengthen these geometries of Light.

Key 305: The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak © 1973

The Bridge which connects the lower Garment of light to the Higher Garment of Light is opened through:

“Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth!”
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!”

No other song in the Heavens can directly manifest Divine Love so powerfully to the elemental forms of creation, than the Divine mantra of the Father’s Throne. For all language and musical patterns of man are carved out of this vibration of the Godhead. It is the vibration of the Holy Spirit which empowers all living intelligence of God providing them with a form of salvation.

The Kodoish, “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is the measure of the cycle and the beat of all states of matter/radiation, and most of all – resonance, which is the common factor uniting the lower vibratory levels with the higher levels of creation.

Even the human heart beat, with its biological clocks, is set according to the function of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth,” tying together all biorhythms of the body with the spiritual rhythms of the Overself Body, so that all circulatory systems operate with one cosmic heartbeat. The “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is given within the fifth socket of the Great Pyramid which aligns the heart vibratory beat with the five bodies of vibration operating within the biochemical shell of mankind.

Thus the “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” creates the mental, spiritual time warps within your body which allows you to grow from a small microcosm into the next level of Godhead.

  1. Gematrian Body(“Prepares the human vehicle to be connected with the Christ Body Overself.”)  This body is formed by the Shekinah’s “life force,” (the Creative Mother Spirit, Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Gods Life Force), which controls all the inner relationships of Light, and creates a synthesis with the Light vehicle, your Merkabah.

The Gematrian Body is made up of “light geometries” used in consciousness creation, inspiration, healing, etc., which can mathematically arrange each of the energy meridians of the human system to make them available to guide and energize the body. The Gematrian Body with the Shekinah, bears witness that we are ‘active’ people of God and actively dwelling in a body of Light’ within the body of flesh. The Gematrian Body frees creative life from slavery to the physical body.

When you experience the Gematrian Body of Light Consciousness, then you will be able to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit within you and you will commune with the Lords of Light through Merkabah.

Key 111: 20 These are the lost souls who are trapped within the River of Consciousness beneath the Pyramid. They must bear witness to the Room of Initiation so that all Ascended Masters who take on form can understand this assignment. “To fail this assignment is to live in the thought-forms of the earth, in these vibratory grids until the Day of Resurrection.” 21 Through the Sacred Names, we are to cooperate with the Office of the Christ in resurrecting these consciousness bodies of intelligence “from the grave.” 22 (The Sacred Names are also used to resurrect the fallen worlds beyond the comprehension of man.) 23 To fully activate the Throne-energies,” it is necessary also to use the Urim and Thummim grids to build templates of resonance which are to be placed in alignment with both the sacred energy grids on the planet, as well as the grids of the Merkabah of Light. 24 The Urim and Thummim are “the lights” of charged crystals producing a field effect of color whereby the thought-forms of prayer can be targeted along any number of energy grids allowing for the electrification of matter.

  1. Zohar Body (“A Flash of Light”) Although the Gematrian Body shows the mathematical perfection as it is localized in our light-life field, the fifth body, the Zohar Body appears as a flash of Light, a powerful burning Light which allows the initiate to move into that Light and through it into a Living Light environment.  The Zohar Body is the highest body of the Five Bodies to acquire.  The Zohar Body in the purest sense and most intense manifestation of Ain Soph Glory and Love-powered emanations in a singular body form.

This Body of Light comes through a Divine Dispensation of the Holy Spirit

(described in Scroll of Joel where the Holy Spirit is poured out not only to the disciples but to all Sons and Daughters of Light at the end of time.)

The Zohar Body is a vehicle of the “outer light” that permits the body to go beyond the light cone of immediate relativity.  This body places a bond of light around the four other energy vehicles of “Incarnation” so that the physical body can distinguish between the sacred space of “Light” and the profane space of “light.”  The “coat of many colors” which is the foundation for the energy form which corresponds with the brilliant and splendid structure of the “Heavenly Jerusalem.”  Through the Zohar Body the seventy-two areas of the mind are balanced off, and the microcosmos of the unconscious Man ascends to Sonship and to a place of dwelling within the Father’s Throne. (Revelations 7:9-16) The Zohar Body functions in trinity with its Overself Body and the “Anointed” Christ Overself Body which received direct revelations from the Throne Worlds of YHWH.

The Zohar Body is the most effective vehicle for ascension and descension activity shared by the Sons and Daughters of Light with the Sons and Daughters of Adam, demonstrating the sharing of garments is done directly and absolutely.

Build the “Coat of Many Colors”

“The Christed Garment of Light” – Resonance of the 72 Sacred Names of God.

The People of God act as a branch of God’s family in their own local universe. They are able to reach out to attune other human beings so they too can partake of the sacred Light vibrations to change their molecular structure allowing them to follow the energy trace back into other universes…the promise of ascension.

HOW? Through the consciousness Coding of Light, “sealed” by the breath by the vibrations of the sacred names to “seal” the body of creation.

Humanity, Believers, Light Bearers, The Priesthood Of Melchizedek is being called to resonate the 72 Sacred Names of God OUTLOUD, through the seal of the breath, creating the Merkabah through which Metatron can create the Outer Manifestation of Light needed to bring forth the wavelength of knowledge from the next universe of creation – Program Adonai Tsebayoth.

Sacred Names, reference hyperlink for your use: Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names 72 Expressions of the Divine in Hebrew-Aramaic according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D. copyright © 1973, 1989, 1998 J.J. Hurtak

TRANSFIGURATION – Sacred Codes of Palenque

TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation – Family of URI, Inc.

Release: 5-26-2010

Collectively Aligned & Infused, sound frequency interpretation of “Palenque Transfiguration Codes.” Activates the Zohar Body of Light – stabilize, harmonize, a Collective Consciousness Vehicle as understood within Principles & Practices, GRIDS of Consciousness UnificationGroup Responsibility In Divine Structure

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Those gathered Collectively, Commissioned Beings to be the instruments in bringing “Heaven to Earth,” the Divine Plan received as humanity was approaching the end of a Cosmic Cycle, 12-21-2012, to bring forth a track that amplifies Color, Light and Sound, Pictographic Infusion.  Transfiguration – activating and opening the Sacred Codes within the Sacred Time Clocks on the planet in order to encode humanity with the Higher Rays of Light.

Revealed, to create an audio track that would converge the Middle East and its “religions” with the Middle West and its religions.  Cosmologies that create an opening, activation, release and transfiguration from 3rd dimensional to 5th dimensional expression through unlocking the pictographic, holographic codes within Palenque, Mexico through the activation of the Christ Angle in Giza pyramid, Egypt in coordination with the latitudinal Grids between Tibet and Israel.

Build the “Coat of Many Colors”

“The Christed Garment of Light” – Resonance of the 72 Sacred Names of God.


The People of God act as a branch of God’s family in their own local universe. They are able to reach out to attune other human beings so they too can partake of the sacred Light vibrations to change their molecular structure allowing them to follow the energy trace back into other universes…the promise of ascension.

HOW? Through the consciousness Coding of Light, “sealed” by the breath by the vibrations of the sacred names to “seal” the body of creation.

Humanity, Believers, Light Bearers, The Priesthood Of Melchizedek is being called to resonate the 72 Sacred Names of God OUTLOUD, through the seal of the breath, creating the Merkabah through which Metatron can create the Outer Manifestation of Light needed to bring forth the wavelength of knowledge from the next universe of creation – Program Adonai Tsebayoth.

  1. Abba Nartoomid
  2. Adonai
  3. Adonai Elohenu Adonai
  4. Adonai ‘Tsebayoth
  5. Adonai Yahweh
  6. Aleph-Etz-Adonai
  7. Ammi Shaddai
  8. Ari Shemoth
  9. Bath ‘Kol
  10. Be-mid-bar
  11. Bereshith Bara
  12. Binah Ruach Devekut
  13. Chesed Tushiyyah Shiloh
  14. Chockmah Michaelilu
  15. Dabar Nartoomid Yesod Yesha’iahu
  16. Daniel Elohai Ariel
  17. Derek Kedoshah Yirme’iahu
  18. Div-ray Hay-ya-mim Hay-Yom
  19. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
  20. El, El
  21. El El Elyon
  22. El Shaddai
  23. Eli, Eli
  24. Ehoha Elohim
  25. Ehoha Umma
  26. ‘Esah Meshiah
  27. Ha Shem
  28. Hakdamoth Hekaloth
  29. Hod Ha – Melek Zedek, Melchizedek Meshiah
  30. Jehezekel – Malkuth
  31. Jehovah – Yahweh Melchizedek
  32. Jeshurun
  33. Joiel Qohel’eth Tiphereth
  34. Kadumah Elohim
  35. Kadumah Kadmon
  36. Kether Etz Chaim Jehu
  37. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth
  38. Layooesh Shekinah
  39. Makom Hyos Ha Kodesh
  40. Melek B’nai Elohim
  41. Melek B’nai Or
  42. Melek ohev Tzedakah umishpat
  43. Melek Shamayyim
  44. M’shi’hha M’shi’shi
  45. Nasi Shalom
  46. Netzach Merkabah Eliahu
  47. ‘Ose Shalom
  48. Pesah Nartoomid
  49. Rokeb ba-Arabot
  50. Ruach Elohim
  51. Ruach Ha Koidesh
  52. Shekinah
  53. Shekinah – Esh
  54. Shelomith Shalom
  55. Shem Shel Geburah
  56. Shema Yisrael
  57. Shemesh Yahweh
  58. Shillush
  59. Torah Eser Sephiroth
  60. Urim – Thummim
  61. Vay – yik – ra
  62. Vod ye-Dod, Yod ye-Dod
  63. YHWH
  64. Yahweh
  65. Yahweh Elohenu Yahweh
  66. Yahweh Shalom
  67. Yahweh Shammah
  68. Yahweh ‘Tsidkennu
  69. Yeshiba Zaddikim, Yeshiba Harazim
  70. Yoshua Yahweh
  71. Yotzer Meorot
  72. Zohar Hadash, Zohar Metsuloth

Sacred Names, reference hyperlink for your use: Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names 72 Expressions of the Divine in Hebrew-Aramaic according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D. copyright © 1973, 1989, 1998 J.J. Hurtak

The Bridge which connects the lower Garment of light to the Higher Garment of Light is opened through:

“Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth!”
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!”

No other song in the Heavens can directly manifest Divine Love so powerfully to the elemental forms of creation, than the Divine mantra of the Father’s Throne. For all language and musical patterns of man are carved out of this vibration of the Godhead. It is the vibration of the Holy Spirit which empowers all living intelligence of God providing them with a form of salvation.

The Kodoish, “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is the measure of the cycle and the beat of all states of matter/radiation, and most of all – resonance, which is the common factor uniting the lower vibratory levels with the higher levels of creation.

Even the human heart beat, with its biological clocks, is set according to the function of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth,” tying together all biorhythms of the body with the spiritual rhythms of the Overself Body, so that all circulatory systems operate with one cosmic heartbeat. The “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” is given within the fifth socket of the Great Pyramid which aligns the heart vibratory beat with the five bodies of vibration operating within the biochemical shell of mankind.

Thus the “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth” creates the mental, spiritual time warps within your body which allows you to grow from a small microcosm into the next level of Godhead.

Key 305: The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak © 1973



1 Within the infinite glories of the Father’s Throne there is a song celestial which is used in all the higher heavens to exalt the Father. It is the vibration of the Holy Spirit which empowers all living intelligence of God providing them with a form of salvation. 2 This is the salutation of the higher Brotherhoods who work collectively as the Host Energies of YHWH. The salutation is a witness to all, in the lower heavens, that the Hosts of YHWH work collectively as an army of Light, serving the heavenly bodies and those worlds which will be raised up in incorruption. 3 When I was taken into the presence of the Throne, I beheld the multitudes of Ascended beings singing praises to God. And I joined and said, “You are worthy Father to receive the glory, the honor, and the power because you have created all things and redeemed me to sing of your Infinite Creation.” 4 And as I said this, I joined the Hosts proclaiming: “Holy, Holy, ‘Tsebayoth (=Sabayoth). Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, the Almighty Father, who was and who is and who will forever be!” 5 This praise was most profound, for when I was returned to Earth and read John’s words of Revelation 4:8-11, I knew John’s words to be a true witness to the Father’s Presence. 6 Beloved in the Father, understand that when the four living creatures, who are the source of creative substance for the lower worlds, proclaim Holiness to YHWH in the words of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth,” they are proclaiming that the power of creation is inextricably bound up with this sacred sound used in the divination of new worlds. 7 The “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth” is the measure of the cycle and the beat of all states of matter/radiation, and most of all-resonance, which is the common factor uniting the lower vibratory levels with the higher levels of creation. 8 Even the human heart beat, with its biological clocks, is set according to the function of “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth!” 9 The Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth ties together all biorhythms of the body with the spiritual rhythms of the Overself body, so that all circulatory systems operate with one cosmic heartbeat. The “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth” is given within the fifth socket of the Great Pyramid which aligns the heart vibratory beat with the five bodies of vibration operating within the biochemical shell of man. 10 Furthermore, it is the Light energy created by this “holy code” that enables the body vehicle to experience the direct energy of the Masters of Light serving YHWH.

35 The Hosts bring with them the “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth” as the cosmic vibration which they extend collectively to all creation to stimulate the process of growth, and allow matter to feel directly the stimulus of Divine Love. 36 No other song in the heavens can directly manifest Divine Love so powerfully to the elemental forms of creation, than this divine mantra of the Father’s Throne. For all language and musical patterns of man are carved out of this vibration of the Godhead. 37 Thus, the “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai ‘Tsebayoth” creates the mental, spiritual time warps within your body which allows you to grow from a small microcosm into the next level of Godhead. 38 The thought-forms coming through this time warp remake your genetic inputs in order to manifest life-continuum and transform your Adamic form into the next form of godliness of the Adam Kadmon. Here, the thought-forms allow the seed crystal of cell division to remake life into the next level of Godhood. 39 And the crystals of the heavens vibrate, and all manner of creation vibrates with this Holy Mantra. Therefore, let the planetary gardens rejoice and all that is therein; let the elements sing to YHWH because He has given each joyous cosmology its Shemot. 0 give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever.


The Lord’s Prayer© 1983 by Dr. J.J. Hurtak

The Academy For Future Science


An Exposition of The Scroll of Matthew 6:9-13

Jesus speaks to us in Matthew’s Gospel.  When the disciples asked Him how to pray to the Father, how they should dialogue with the Father, He gave them a special formula – the thought-forms of Divine Language with which to commune with the Father and the Living Hierarchy.  For what is prayer but the active dialogue between divinities, as well as a testament to the Divine awakening itself in Man.

  • We pray to our Father; in Whose Image we are created. Jesus is also saying:  When you pray, pray not to “God”, but to the God of Gods (Eloha Elohim), the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings.  Jesus taught us that it is not sufficient simply to direct a prayer toward the next level of creation; He gave a prayer connecting with all levels of creation.
  • Jesus came forth to break the power structure on this planet that had “locked up” the Father’s Name – the 4 Sacred Letters Y-H-W-H give us the 64 combinations of the nucleotide acids for the DNA-RNA. As we activate, our knowledge of the highest of the Hierarchies, we identify ourselves with one Name, just as Jesus identified Himself with the Name – through his birth, through cosmic genetics…back to Yahweh.  Jesus taught us to pray to a living Father, a Father exalted as Lord of Lords and King of Kings above all the hierarchies.  Through the Lord’s Prayer we could take a quantum leap to the higher dimensions, bypassing the lower 24 dimensions of the local Son universe.
  • The Kingdom is the coordinator of the work between all worlds and dimensions where there is co-partnership and co-citizenship based upon the evolution of the soul. Yet in order for our Father’s Kingdom to come, we must visualize the dynamic extension of the Kingdom throughout the myriad worlds of Light, beholding a Kingdom of Divine participation, even modeled in our body.
  • We must visualize ourselves as part of the Trinity vehicle, seeing our body as a jewel of the highest energy potential, seeing our body as having Divine Compassion, the highest love for humanity, and having the Divine Wisdom, the design of higher cooperation established by the Councils of Light. Father, make me an instrument of Your Will so that I may become a Son/Daughter of Light.
  • By using the Lord’s Prayer we activate the other dimensions of a genetic blueprint already programmed into the wetware of our brain, Divine circuitry intact which has the Divine Image and Similitude. So, we must understand the Father’s Will in the heavens, the Father’s Kingdom in the Heavens, before we can bring the Kingdom down to earth.
  • As we pray the Lord’s Prayer from the ground up, we ask that our body – that is like the body of Christ, called the host, or eucharist – become the garment of the Hierarchy, become the Gewiyyah Christou, the Body of Light! Then we have that realization, we project our mind into the higher dimensions and see the Divine Plan for this part of the universe, this part of the active Hierarchy, for the condition of humanity.  When Jesus the Christ gave us the Lord’s Prayer, he did not simply give us a prayer, but he gave us the sacred expressions of His Father’s Name, the Holy words of communion with the Divine Family that we are a part of, in all eternity.  And He gave us the thought forms, the visualization exercises necessary to activate the worlds through all dimensions.  Jesus the Christ did not give us a black-and-white prayer; He gave us a Prayer of the Rainbow.  We must picture ourselves swimming upward through the Light, as if we are swimming in an ocean of color, reaching up, going through the dimensions.
  • Forgive us our sins, or our ‘divine limitations’. For Enoch has taught us that a ‘sin’ is a blockage of the Divine energy.  A sin is a negation of the Divine Force, which recreates the power of the higher universe in our body, which is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  May we not be asleep, praying to the Father, but having crucified the Holy Spirit in our life.  May we see the radiant color of Light coming through our body, filling our body with more and more Light, lifting out divine limitations and with the light to us a divine garment of Light.  And with that garment of Light come Knowledge and Wisdom in partnership with the Masters of Christ.
  • We must experience the full forgiveness as spiraling of cleansing colors throughout our energy body, as well as the projection of great colors vibrating wit love into the minds of all who are forgiven. And this opens the Spiritual eye to visualize the Lord’s Prayer so that it can spiral through the dimensions.
  • The real power of the prayer begins with the awakened mind that sees both the male and female aspects – for the body has all levels of sexuality, unified in to the Adam Kadmon, the Divine Image. It is our higher humility, forgiving ourselves through the divine Name of Glory and forgiving our brothers and sisters, that allows us to be co-citizens of the Kingdom.
  • The prayer lifts us up out of the zone of fallen creation. We are given the divine privilege of working in this world, on this side of the Divine Light, as well as on the other side of relativity, in the higher worlds of Ain Soph – the Living Light, the super luminal Light that creates all worlds of relativity.  Only by co-citizenship and co-evolution can we cleanse this planet in corporation with the Divine Family.  The Lord’s Prayer raises us off our knees, raises us out this relativity, raises us out of this spectrum of energy through all the colors of the rainbow into the music of the spheres and the emanations of the Divine Love.

Jesus teaches us that as we pray the Lord’s Prayer to our Father in the Heavens, we become Living Light.

In essence Jesus gave us the manifestation of the 10 commandments in the Lord’s Prayer.  He gave the perfect Law Code and perfect Love Code as the blueprint of the restored body of the Adam Kadmon.

1  Our Father Who art in the heavens

2  Let Thy Name be sanctified (hallowed)

3  May Thy Kingdom come

4  Let Thy Will take place

5  As it is in the heavens, so also upon the earth

6  Give us today the bread for this day

7  And forgive us our debts

8  As we also have forgiven our debtors

9  And lead us not into the hands of temptation

10 But deliver us from the wicked one (evil)